类别:文体介绍 / 日期:2024-06-30 / 浏览:11 / 评论:0


Some people think that holding the iron rice bowl is happiness, some people think that when you pass the examination is happiness, some people think that drawing near is happiness, "" Of course, the understanding of happiness is different, different experiences, different status, everyone has their own concept of happiness. That is - safe. Life, human life is the most precious thing in the world there is nothing safe, happy memories more memorable it? No, absolutely not! Security build our beautiful homeland, security has become our friends and family ties connection. Only safe work out, did not pass. "Pay attention to safety" is not a slogan, nor is an indicator, when you put safety as a task to complete, you have ignored the love of your life. Correct understanding of life is the most precious thing in life, the only way you can live, work in the "safe" practically in my heart, in order to truly prevent accidents, avoid casualties come.


Some people think that holding the iron rice bowl is happiness, some people think that when you pass the examination is happiness, some people think that drawing near is happiness, "" Of course, the understanding of happiness is different, different experiences, different status, everyone has their own concept of happiness. That is - safe. Life, human life is the most precious thing in the world there is nothing safe, happy memories more memorable it? No, absolutely not! Security build our beautiful homeland, security has become our friends and family ties connection. Only safe work out, did not pass. "Pay attention to safety" is not a slogan, nor is an indicator, when you put safety as a task to complete, you have ignored the love of your life. Correct understanding of life is the most precious thing in life, the only way you can live, work in the "safe" practically in my heart, in order to truly prevent accidents, avoid casualties come.

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