类别:文体介绍 / 日期:2024-04-13 / 浏览:8 / 评论:0


My English Learning

I started the journey of English when I was just a little kid.When asked about my feelings of English learning,I always have a lot to talk about.

The first day I met English was in my kindergarden.Our teacher Mary,who was quite pretty and kind,gave us a lesson of English ABCs.When I heard the first sound of A,I fell in love with English.And I thought,besides Chinese,it's the most beautiful language in the world.


When I became a primary school student,I learned more English.I learned how to read and speak in English.And when I became a middle school student,not only was I able to speak fluently in English,but also I learned how to write beautiful articles in English.

And I love English more now.I hope that you,my friend,can learn English with me.We will have great fun!

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