类别:写作技巧 / 日期:2024-04-12 / 浏览:9 / 评论:0


Keeping Water Sources CleanWho is willing to drink the polluted water?It can cause us to be ill and even to die.We can't wait for a moment to protect our water sources.The water we use comes from oceans,lakes,rivers or streams.But many of these water sources are getting seriously polluted.Towns and cities are pouring dust into the water.Many people are throwing all kinds of dirty things into the water.Factories are pouring waste material into the water.Therefore,water sources have become so badly polluted that some of the water is unfit to drink or to use.Now it is high time that we should do something to protect our water environment from being polluted.

1. "Go green, go low-carbon."

2. "Carbon footprint? Let's start with small steps."


3. "Sustainable living starts with every small choice."

4. "Small actions can make a big difference."

5. "Reduce, reuse, recycle - for a low-carbon future."


6. "A low-carbon lifestyle is not only good for the environment, but also for our health."

7. "Less energy, less pollution, more peace."

8. "Carbon neutrality is possible, let's work towards it together."


9. "Low-carbon living is the key to a sustainable future."

10. "A low-carbon lifestyle is not just about reducing emissions, it's about being mindful and responsible."

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